If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, please contact the parish office.
R.C.I.A. is the process by which adults inquire about the Catholic Church. Weekly meetings consist of activities designed to introduce people to St. Anthony’s parish, classes about basic Catholic beliefs, and opportunities to grow closer to God through liturgy, community and prayer.
Although R.C.I.A. is intended for people who wish to become Catholic, anyone interested in learning more about the Church is welcome, and there is no obligation for any participant to join the Church.
St. Anthony regular R.C.I.A. begins in the fall, with candidates joining the Church at Easter.
There is an informational meeting to begin each year. At this meeting we will discuss the process, hand out the schedule of sessions, answer questions, and complete registration for those interested.
If participants have been baptized, they will need a copy of their baptismal certificate.
For more information, or to find out dates for the next RCIA meeting, please contact the parish office at 515-244-4709.