
Knights Of Columbus

Become a Knight TODAY!

Join the Knights for your family, for your community, for GOD!

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Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Mike Marasco 

Join the Knights
Annual Dues

Annual Membership Dues

(For Father Victor Romanelli Council 12482 – St. Anthony Parish)

*This is for Knights Council 12482 only, in Des Moines, IA.*

Membership categories & dues:

Note: You can now also select autopay.

Food Bank

Food Bank

The Knights of Columbus collect for the food bank every third Sunday of the month. We collect money and food for the poor. All the money collected goes to the Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC) for the purchase of food for the poor and the food items collected goes to the Bidwell for distribution to the poor.

Knights are requested to wear their K of C blue polo and come to mass a bit early and stay a bit later to help collect at the mass they normally come to.

Our Mass Captains:


  • 4:00 pm – Dave Haney


  • 7:00 am – Robert Sereg
  • 8:30 am
  • 10:00 am – Larry Hawk
  • 11:30 am – Mike Marasco
  • 1:00pm – Pedro Ceballos
Meal Duty

Meal Duty Schedule


January: Dave Piper

February: John Piper

March: Mike Williams

April: Mike Marasco

May: Robert Serge

June: Paul Comito

July: Jim O’Donnell

August: Bill Konkol

September: Ron Chiesa

October: Mark Hurn

November: Mike Norris

Council Insurance Agent

Knights Of Columbus Insurance Agent

Gregory Waddle



Knights of Columbus

2800 University Avenue

Suite 420-165

West Des Moines, IA 50266


St Vincent de Paul Ministry

About Us

About Us

The mission of the St. Anthony St. Vincent de Paul Committee is to serve the poor.  We help find beds for the homeless, bus tokens, food for the hungry and serve other groups that help the poor.  “We extend mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without helping.  For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw His mercy from us?”

– St. Vincent de Paul


Vincentian reflections are a good guide for Vincentian meetings and discussions.  The year is divided into easy to manage quarters for download.
Serving in Hope is a new spiritual formation program developed by the National Office, for the Conference and Council level. Vincentians must be accustomed to “serving in hope,” because we are called to bring the love of God to those who are poor and suffering.
Membership, Meetings and Events

Membership, Meetings and Events

As a member, you can help feed and shelter the poor. When you join, you can decide the level of time or donations you can give. Maybe you want to help make meals that are delivered once a month. Maybe you want to make a commitment to give regular donations to the “Poor Box” located in the church; these donations fund the work. You might even have the time to come to the monthly meetings to help plan meals and give. Even if you can only come to a few meetings, anything will help.

Meetings are every month on the 2nd Monday at 6:30pm, located in the lower church at St Anthony.  All are welcome!

  • Each month members provide meals for the Catholic Workers House.

  • During Thanksgiving and Christmas basket of meals are provided to those in need at our parish.

  • Giving Tree is also created so that members in the Parish may contribute a gift for the children.



Sandy Agey

Michelle Bunkers

Ellen Celsi

Patty Corrice

Janet Goode

Lesvia Juarez

Nancy Kaili

Kathleen Klinge

Julie Konkol

Ann McFall

Dr. Greg Peterson

Ramona Peterson

Deacon Tony Romeo

Sharon Romeo

Sally Smith

Mary Ann Wilkinson

Jean Willard

Helene Wilson

Joe Zerfas


Chairman: Janet Goode

Phone: 515.953.1335



Patty Corrice: 515-556-7783


Respect Life Ministry

Our Mission and Goals

Saint Anthony’s Respect Life Ministry

Building the Culture of Life, Compassion, Education, Prayer.

Help us to make a difference. Help us to protect all life.

Our Mission
To nourish a respect for life in our parish by proclaiming that every human life is uniquely created in the image and likeness of God; that each person who receives God’s gift of life deserves respect from the time life begins at fertilization through the point of natural death; that during life we have responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that as part of our greater community we must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence.

To acknowledge the precious gift of human life which comes from God; To protect and support human life at every stage of its existence from the moment of conception to the point of natural death; To advance the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding the gift of life through education and social programs; To support the goals of the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, under the guidance and direction of the Committee for Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

“Your Children Are Not Your Own” by Kahlil Gibran 

Respect Life Ministry Facebook


Member Contact:

Tom Hanson, Chairman

Join Us

St. Anthony Parish Respect Life Ministry


Join Us
Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in the lower church at St Anthony.  All are welcome!  For more information,  call Tom Hanson for more details515-770-7648 

Are you looking for a place to serve the Lord in our Parish?
Do you have a heart for the most vulnerable among us – the preborn, the disabled, and the elderly?
Then consider joining us!!  Help us encourage an appreciation for the dignity and value of life at every stage.

Please come join us!

Men's Prayer Group

Prayer of the Day

Prayer Of The Day

“O God, send forth your Holy Spirit into my heart that I may perceive, into my mind … Teach, guide and direct my thoughts and senses from beginning to end.”

Join Us

Join Us

Just show up. We would love to have Men of Faith join us.  There is a lot of “Faith and Fun” and it can’t all be serious, so we also have some good laughs.  For more information, email Tom Hanson  or call 515-770-7648.

Meeting and Events

When We Meet

We meet every Thursday evening at 7 PM in The Adoration Chapel.  We pray The Rosary, then we branch off discuss our topic through Holy Scripture, and we come back to The Adoration Chapel for “Final  Benediction” and we sing our hearts out to Jesus.


We have “Movie/Documentary Nights” with Food and Drink at the Church, and any other events that we can do that are “Christ Centered”.  To learn dates and times, Contact  Tom Hanson 515-770-7648



Tom Hanson
Bill Konkol
Don Mauro “Coach”
Perry Cunningham
Eric Cunningham
Tony Mainelli
Joel Westrum

Altar and Rosary

Our Mission

Our Mission Statement


The purpose our Society is to cultivate and promote a greater devotion to Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar through Our Lady as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, as well as to secure the adornment of the Sanctuary. In addition, we work with other organizations to help promote various parish activities, and as a group, are members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women of Des Moines.

Meetings, Memberships


Our monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month with the exception of June, July and August. We begin our meetings at 6:00pm with recitation of the Rosary, located in the main church, followed by our regular business from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the lower church.


Women who are 18, members of our parish and are in good standing with the Catholic faith may become a member of our Society. Each member is asked to pay a yearly due of $5.00. Women may join our organization any time during the year.


If you would like to learn more about our Society, or how to become a member, please contact our
President, Deena Murphy at: email

Phone #:  515-333-7425



  • We participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for our Society and deceased members the first Sunday of each month at 8:00am.
  • Our Annual Craft and Bake sale takes place the first weekend in December. All proceeds from this fundraiser goes towards the costs of items not covered by our dues.
  • Our May Crowning, of the Blessed Mother Mary, and breakfast takes place the first Sunday in May, at which time our new officers are installed.
  • We work with the Knights of Columbus and other parish committees on various events where we supply baked goods for dessert.
  • Our Society and the Knights of Columbus have an Annual family Christmas potluck dinner in early December.

Youth Group


1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Meet at Music room at the parish. Snacks, beverages and food provided.

Any questions contact Luis Miranda 515-803-1968.